World Tourism Day
UNWTO has designated 2020 as the Year of Tourism and Rural Development. This Year is an opportunity to promote the potential of tourism to create jobs and opportunities. It can also advance inclusion and highlight the unique role tourism can play in preserving and promoting natural and cultural heritage and curbing urban migration.
Our tourism industry as a whole is calling for our borders to be opened. Not for the few chosen operators only, leaving the others sadly on the side. "He who is too careful accomplishes little, as Schiller wrote or Sophocles wisely reminds us that" Heaven never helps men who do not act ". The opening of borders is an agonizing question that we inevitably ask ourselves all the time because we are in a blur and total confusion.
The magnitude of the economic and social impact is alarming. It is indisputable that the protection of the population is paramount. No one disputes this fact. There is no more respectable civility. Until the time a vaccine is found, we will have to live with the virus. This is a serious matter, there are risks but they must be addressed. In the meantime, we are bearing the brunt of the repercussions of this crisis.